Design Tips That Will Make Your Restaurant’s Menu Irresistible

Design Tips That Will Make Your Restaurant’s Menu Irresistible

Your restaurant already has a great menu with delicious food and drink–but are you showing it off the right way? Without a stylish, easy-to-read menu, it’s easy for your patrons to completely miss dishes that they would have otherwise ordered, or they could pass up on something because it wasn’t accompanied by the proper description. Curating your menu is essential, and studies show that it can actually increase your profits. Ready to get started? When you’re designing your menu, here are a few tips to make your restaurant’s options irresistible.

Consider Popularity & Profit

Some dishes fly off the shelves, so to speak, but they may not actually make your restaurant much in profits. On the other hand, some menu items could create huge profits, but only get ordered once in a blue moon. Items that are both popular and profitable should be highlighted in some way, whether that means listing them first, making them larger than others, or even creating a separate pull out that features them. However, your most popular items shouldn’t all be grouped together, as this could keep customers from perusing the rest of the menu. Instead, strategically place them throughout to keep patrons engaged and ready to order.

It should be noted that popular but not profitable items should still be kept on the menu–they’re great for driving traffic and encouraging customers to also partake in more expensive items.

Less Is More

If you’ve ever been to certain chain restaurants, you know that a big menu can be very overwhelming. With so many pages to flip through and so many options on each page, it makes it almost impossible to make a decision–and this can hinder your profits. While it may seem advantageous to give your customers a wide variety, it’s often better to stick to smaller menus in order to help them make faster decisions and try new things. If your menu is quite large, it might be beneficial to evaluate what’s selling and what isn’t in order to trim it down. 

Use Photos Wisely

Menus often have photos of certain dishes to add visual flair and encourage purchases, but too many photos can have the opposite effect. With so many images on one page, in addition to the text, customers can easily get overwhelmed by all the visual stimuli. This makes them more likely to skip over the page entirely. Instead of overloading your menu design with photos, try adding one or two in strategic locations on each page. This way, the customer gets the benefit of a visual without feeling overstimulated.

Laminate Your Menus

Along with making your dishes look as alluring as possible, your restaurant menu should be clean and sanitary. Laminating your menus will allow you to wipe them down and disinfect them regularly, so you can uphold your restaurant’s image of cleanliness and professionalism. Plus, laminating reduces wear and tear to keep your menus looking as great as the day you printed them.

Contact Reproductions, Inc. Today!

Reproductions, Inc. is the top printing company in the Tucson area for restaurants and more. We offer high-quality prints of your menu design, and we offer a wide variety of materials to print on as well. From simple one-page menus to larger folios, we can print your restaurant’s menus and deliver a polished, stylish final product. Contact us today to learn more or to request a quote for your project!