14 Dec How to Promote a Neighborhood-Wide Garage Sale
A neighborhood-wide garage sale is a great way to get together with your community, sell the things you don’t need, and make some extra cash. Since there is power in numbers, having a sale that includes many of your neighbors will attract more buyers than one person having a single sale. However, on any given weekend, there are likely to be garage sales in neighborhoods all across your city that will be competing with you for customers, so having a plan for promoting your event and printing signs is essential. As you put your heads together with your neighbors, follow this promotion advice.
Have Stand-Out Signage
Chances are that you’ve seen many garage sale signs that were scribbled on poster boards. These kinds of signs are often hard to read, if they are seen at all. If you want your neighborhood’s sale to stand out, skip these handmade signs in favor of professionally printed signs that grab people’s attention. Go for neon backgrounds with black lettering, so that they are easy to read when cars go by. Be sure to include only the necessary information, as cramming too much detail onto your sign will make it unreadable.
Take Advantage of Social Media
There are people who attend garage sales every weekend as a hobby, and they make their plans based on the listings they can find in the paper and online. In addition to using the classified ads in your local paper, post your sale on community boards on social media. Be sure to include the address and name of your neighborhood as well as your zip code, because some garage sale apps aggregate this information for users based on these details.
Use Signs to Guide Buyers
Make sure buyers know exactly which homes are participating in your neighborhood and how to get to them by posting signs throughout the community. Have a sign printed that every participant can display, plus, print directional signs so that people are guided through your neighborhood.
Reproductions, Inc. has all of the printing tools you need to turn your neighborhood’s garage sale into a success. Get answers to your questions about our printing service in Tucson by calling (520) 622-7747.