Quick Tips for Creating Effective Flyers

Quick Tips for Creating Effective Flyers

Flyers are a great way to catch the eyes of potential customers and spread the word about what your business can offer. Of course, to get the most out of your flyer campaign, the design and printing matter. These quick tips will help you ensure that your business flyers provide the return on investment you want by driving customers to your brand. 

Keep It Brief

It can be tempting to try to cram all of the information that you want your customers to know on your flyer, but you’ll get better results if you keep your content brief. Instead of using flyers to tell customers general information about your business, focus your design on promoting one thing, such as an upcoming sale or event. If your flyer looks like it has too much text on it, your customers will likely decide not to bother reading it. Short, punchy content with an eye-catching headline works best. 

Add a Call to Action

Don’t assume your customers know what to do next after they have seen your flyers. Spell out to them exactly what you want them to do. Tell them to buy their tickets to your event today or to come to your store to save 40% now. Although it might seem obvious that you want your customers to take action after reading your flyer, saying exactly how they should take advantage of whatever you’re promoting puts the action front and center in their minds. 

Make the Right Printing Choices

The outcome of your flyer design will be heavily impacted by the printing choices you make. Choose high-quality paper, so that your flyers are study enough to be handled without being damaged. Use high-resolution color printing, so that your images jump off the page. Both matte and glossy paper coatings can work for flyers and make them more attractive to your customers. 

Let Reproductions, Inc. help you create effective flyers with our high-quality color printing services in Tucson. You can learn more about all of the services we offer by calling (520) 622-7747.