22 Apr Understanding the Differences Between RGB and CYMK Colors
Vibrant colors are a necessity for any digital or printed materials. Bright hues and coordinating color schemes are a great way to add visual interest to your project and catch the eye of potential customers or clients. How can you tell whether to use RBG or CYMK colors? Let’s break it down.
RGB stands for red, green, and blue. This process is most often used for digital surfaces, including computer monitors, smartphones, cameras, television screens, and scanners. Most digital canvases use the color black as a starting point and add varying levels of red, blue, and green to create the most accurate shades. Graphic designers can adjust the amounts of these shades to alter the appearance of their images.
CYMK stands for cyan, yellow, magenta, and black, and is commonly used when physically printing graphics. While digital images use black as a foundation, print work starts out on a white sheet of paper, necessitating different base colors. Most magazines, posters, and the like are printed using CYMK colors.
Not sure whether you should use RGB or CYMK? It’s actually extremely easy to choose. If your project will only be viewed digitally, like a social media post, then you should use RGB. On the other hand, if your project will need to be printed, you should consider using CYMK.
Contact Reproductions, Inc.
Elevate your business’ marketing and professional projects with colorful printed materials from Reproductions, Inc. in Tucson, AZ. For more information on our printing services or to request an estimate, call (520) 622-7747 or send us a message at [email protected].