22 Jul Temporary Signage Ideas to Help You Draw Business This Summer
Many local businesses in Tucson find that everything slows down in the summer, including foot traffic to their business. The combination of the heat, customers leaving town, U of A students going home for the summer, and worries about COVID-19 may mean that you need to get a little creative to draw new customers into your business this summer. Here are some temporary signage ideas that may help:
Use Outdoor Signs
Sandwich boards or outdoor signs placed on the sidewalk near your business are a great way to stir up interest. Bonus points if you can put something clever, funny, or interesting on your sign that will catch people’s attention. Try to think of a joke, word of the day, daily special, or funny drawing that customers can’t ignore. With any outdoor signs, utilize bold colors and large, easy to read fonts that can be seen by drivers who might pass by your business on their daily commute.
Use QR Codes to Direct Customers to Your Menu
If you want to direct customers to your website, menu, specials or coupons, or a list of services, you can create a window or sidewalk sign featuring a QR code for them to scan using their smart phone. A QR code can direct a customer anywhere on the web and is more visually appealing and less confusing than writing out a link or URL for the customer to follow. QR codes also offer the benefit of contactless ordering for restaurants, since customers won’t need to handle physical menus to decide what they want.
Get a Banner or Marquee Sign
Having a vinyl banner printed or using a marquee sign will catch your customers’ eyes. A full color, durable vinyl banner can be used for years to come, and can be easily hung outside your business. Marquee signs are easily adaptable and can be used for a variety of advertising purposes.
If you need a local, affordable, high quality printing company in AZ to print your business signage, choose Reproductions, Inc. We can print full color signs and banners that will catch your customers’ eyes. To learn more about our printing solutions for local businesses or to request a quote, contact us online or call us at (520) 622-7747.