23 Jul What You Need to Know About Printing Your Dissertation
After all of the work you’ve put into your dissertation, the last thing you want to do is undermine your success with the wrong kind of printing. There are many different factors to consider before you print your dissertation, and the choices you make could impact your final grade. Choosing a printing company with experience in dissertation printing is a good first step. Here is what else you need to know about printing your dissertation.
Discuss Requirements with Your Dissertation Committee
The people advising your dissertation are the best source of information about the printing requirements you should follow. There may be specific rules that you have to follow, or they may have recommendations about which kind of printing tends to work best. Be sure to ask about everything from whether you should pick color or black and white printing and what kind of binding you should choose.
Consider the Type of Dissertation
Master’s and bachelor’s dissertations or theses can usually be printed in spiral or comb bindings. They also have more relaxed guidelines for double-sided pages and color printing. With PhD dissertations, you may need to follow stricter rules to ensure a professional appearance for the finished project. For example, you will want to have any images and graphs printed in color for a PhD dissertation.
Choose High-Quality Paper
Paper quality is one of the things that will have the biggest impact on the outcome of your printing. For the most professional results, consider medium-weight paper, at a minimum. Ideally, your paper should also be acid-free, since it will be kept in archives. Acid-free paper withstands wear and tear better.
Let Reproductions, Inc. help you make the many important decisions you are facing when the time comes to print your dissertation. We offer a huge variety of options, so your printed project will do your work justice. Call our printing shop in Tucson for more information at (520) 622-7747.